Are Beards Bad for COVID?

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Beards have always been a symbol of masculinity and style for many men. They add character and personality to a person’s appearance. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on an unexpected downside to sporting a beard. It makes us ask the question “Are beards bad for Covid?” Studies have shown that facial hair can potentially increase the risk of contracting and spreading the virus. In this article, we will explore the hidden risk of COVID-19 associated with beards and why it might be time to prioritize health over facial hair.

Say Goodbye to Your Beard: The Hidden Risk of COVID-19

While beards may look impressive, they can also harbor unwanted germs and bacteria. According to recent research, facial hair such as beards and mustaches can act as a magnet for viruses, including COVID-19. The virus can easily get trapped in the hairs, making it difficult to wash away with regular handwashing. This makes it more likely for the virus to remain on the face for extended periods, increasing the risk of infection. Hand washing and hand sanitizer use is very helpful in combatting the spread of germs from surface to your face.

Additionally, face masks are a crucial tool in preventing the spread of COVID-19. However, beards can compromise the effectiveness of masks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that facial hair can interfere with the proper fit of a mask, creating gaps that allow the virus to enter or exit. This puts both the wearer and those around them at a higher risk of infection. For the sake of public health, it may be necessary to bid farewell to your beloved beard, at least temporarily.

Stay Safe, Shave It Off: Prioritize Health Over Facial Hair

As difficult as it may be to part with your beard, it is essential to prioritize your health and the well-being of those around you during these challenging times. If you were lucky enough to be able to work at home during the pandemic and didn’t have to go out much then it might have seemed the perfect time to grow your beard. Shaving off your facial hair can significantly reduce the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. By removing the extra surface area where the virus can linger, you are minimizing the chances of contamination. 

Moreover, keeping a clean-shaven face ensures a proper fit of face masks, enhancing their effectiveness. It allows the mask to create a tight seal, reducing the risk of any viral particles entering or escaping. This simple act can play a significant role in curbing the transmission of the virus and protecting yourself and others from infection.

My personal opinion is it matters how much you think you’re going to interacting with the general public and how much you want to protect others. If you live like a hermit and don’t interact with many folks then perhaps you can keep your beard longer. If you are forced to interact with a lot of people day and day out it may be best for your own health to ditch the beard and soup strainer or at least keep them very trimmed so they won’t interfere with the integrity of your mask.